Friday, May 30, 2008

Sixth Grade Graduation

Well, we made it through the evening without alot of water works...that anyone else saw anyway. Mom and Dad and Val and the kids came up for the graduation. Hope you all enjoy the pictures. This is the first step of our baby girl wlaking into a whole new and much bigger world. Good luck Ashleigh, we love you and we will be praying for you, always.

Ashleigh's Graduation

Tonight, May 30, 2008, Ashleigh graduates from the sixth grade. She is starting to get good at making Jennifer and I feel old. As a matter of fact, I am starting to make it a little easier for her to count my gray hairs. Oh well, at least I still have all of my hair. I will have some pictures tonight and hopefully some video as well if I can ever get my video capture device to work right. That's what I get for not buying a digital video camcorder .

Friday, May 9, 2008

We finally got to go to Disneyland!!!

It has been nearly 15 years since I have gone to Disneyland, and about 13 for Jen. This was the kids first time. It didn't really hit me until we made it thru the ticket line and walked into the castle. At that point Jennifer and I quit being 30 somethings and turned into little kids again.

The kids where in such awe of the whole thing, I don't think they took two breathes in the first hour we were there.

Check out the picture from Space Mountain, the looks on all of our faces says it all.