Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Practicing with the Kids

Jen took some pictures of me and the kids practicing.
Some were funny like this one. We were warming up with
our scales and I was in a terrible key (key of E for all you pianists)
and I was hitting ALL the wrong keys. The kids could not stop
laughing, I almost lost practice time. If you want to see more pictures
go over to my music blog. I'm still trying to get the videos up.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Family trip to Apollo Park

Ashleigh and Timothy...ever the clowns
Jen and the dogs

Me with the dogs, Saidie and Milie.
Apparently Saidie thinks my knee is dirty

Diva Princess Ashleigh...every picture has to be a pose

Timothy can't deside if he wants to feed the ducks, or eat the bread himself.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Daddy & Timothy enjoyed a special Father-Son Jethawks game; while Ashleigh & Mommy shared some much needed Mother-Daughter time. (don't have any ashleigh & mommy pics as daddy had the camera, maybe next time) Timothy was so jazzed, can't you tell :) Can you believe Timothy needed his jacket in Lancaster at the end of May?!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Timothy Shooting

Since Ashleigh just had her graduation I noticed that we have a lot of pictures of her up...

So, I thought I would put up a picture or two of Timothy participating at one our families favorite activities. We all have our own bows and custom made grafite arrows and gear... Unfortunately, because of my busy concert and work schedule and Jen's work schedule we don't get to go to the range very often. But when we do we have a lot of fun. Timothy is getting pretty good with his form just needs to work on his follow through now. Hopefully next season, we'll get to go wild pig hunting if I can get the trip and tags all set up. Yup! i am turning Timothy into a regular "redneck" just like is daddy.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our other family members, Sadie & Mylie .... aren't they cute!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Ashleigh receiving her diploma from the Principal Mr. Dennis...She Finnally Made It...half way.