Friday, September 26, 2008

Dad's getting even better...

today they removed the chest tube. After eating some jello for luch, the nurses helped dad get out of bed and into a chair. Next step is to move him out of ICU into a regular room. Hopefully he'll be going home soon. Keep praying for dad and a full and speedy recovery.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Updates

It has been nearly a month since we last updated. We are in the house now, still getting settled, but we are in. Work has still been slow and sometimes even a little scary. On my days off I have started looking for work else where that is not so closely attached to the housing market...that is not going well rigth now. About the noy thing i know is construction and equipment opporating and no one is hiring. So for now I am just trusting in the Lord to get us through these hard times.
Ashleigh is enjoying junior high...She has even joined the cheer squad and is enjoying that greatly.
Timothy is just being Timothy...meaning that he is just rolling with the punches as life goes on.

Most of you may already know that dad had a heartattack a few days ago and just underwent bypass surgery today. All is well and he is resting and recovering well. For more info go to Dusten and Sarah's blog.

I am using mom's computer right now (since we are all here) so I don't have any pictures to post. As soon as we get the net up and going at the house I will start posting pictures again.