Sunday, January 1, 2012

WOW 2012

...where has 2011 gone? As a fairly
young group (or at least a "restarting" group) the Ridings Family is still
relatively unknown and runs a very slow touring schedule. But, the new year
brings with it new possibilities. Possibilities and more concerts, changes in
life or where ever this crazy life may take us. The only thing that we know for
sure is this; no matter where the Ridings Family goes, we go knowing that God
has brought there and will give the strength needed to carry on. With several
changes looming on the horizon who knows what the new year will bring. We covet
your prayers for our family and the ministry that God has called us into. We
also pray for each and every one of our friends, family and fans all over the
world, for God's blessings and guidance on your lives. I hope and pray that
someday we will be able to meet face to face with all of the prayer warriors who
have lifted us up before the throne of God. If not in this life, in that great
gettin' up morning. Until then keep the faith.

In HIS Service,
Darren Ridings
and the entire Ridings