Friday, May 9, 2008

We finally got to go to Disneyland!!!

It has been nearly 15 years since I have gone to Disneyland, and about 13 for Jen. This was the kids first time. It didn't really hit me until we made it thru the ticket line and walked into the castle. At that point Jennifer and I quit being 30 somethings and turned into little kids again.

The kids where in such awe of the whole thing, I don't think they took two breathes in the first hour we were there.

Check out the picture from Space Mountain, the looks on all of our faces says it all.


Unknown said...

That is one part of California I definitely miss. Soooooo much. I looooooove Disneyland. You walk in, and you're in another world, leaving your cares behind at the gate. When we come back for Christmas, I really want to go. Granted, it's expensive, but hey. You get what you pay for, right? Miss you guys!

MusicMD said...

You are right Debbie, Disneyland is a "Whole New World". We miss you guys too, Timothy is always asking about you and the kids. If you guys do get to go to Disneyland or are making plans to go for Christmas, let me know and maybe we can all make plans to go together.