Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Practicing with the Kids

Jen took some pictures of me and the kids practicing.
Some were funny like this one. We were warming up with
our scales and I was in a terrible key (key of E for all you pianists)
and I was hitting ALL the wrong keys. The kids could not stop
laughing, I almost lost practice time. If you want to see more pictures
go over to my music blog. I'm still trying to get the videos up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Darren and Jennifer,

We check your blog daily too. It saddens us when we learn of Ridings' Family stuff from other people instead of family. But we try our best to keep things current because if no ones else cares we do!!! Lives get hectic we understand that, but in this world of instant communication and technology it shouldn't be that hard to say hey...

We appreciate your comments and encouragement. Thank you for your prayers!

Love, the Sunnyvale Ridings