Thursday, July 31, 2008

How Time Flies

I was just sitting here looking of pictures of the kids and nocticing how much
they have grown. Ashleigh will be 12 in two weeks and Timothy will be
10 in five months. Where has the time gone. It just goes to show you, you
have to cherrish the time you have, because it will be gone soon.
This picture was taken just eight years
ago around Easter time. Ashleigh was 3
and Timothy was 1.

Now Look at them. This was this last spring 2008.
I can't believe how much they have grown.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

House Pictures

Timothy was having trouble with his asthma this morning, so I took him to the Kaiser Urgent care. While we were waiting for his perscription we noticed the name "Ridings, N." on the name board for ready scripts. Timothy thought that it might be Nana. Sure enough as soon as he said that Papa came around the corner. Long story short, after mom finished her appointments they came over to the apartment (which was a total mess from getting ready to move) and we went over to the new house. While we were there I took some pictures this time...enjoy!!

my very own "jungle"
This is the backyard
Master bedroom

dark picture of Ashleigh's room

Timothy's room

Livingroom facing the back door

this it the front of the house. Doesn't our car look so good in front of the house.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New House-day 2

Today, we spent the afternoon at the new house. Jen and the kids finished the first cleaning of the carpets, then we all pitched in on the painting. The living room is almost completely painted now with the exception of trimming in the corners. We chose a neutral and soothing is somewhat between a light taupe and a dark cream. I know it sounds blah, but it looks great with our Tuscan style living room furniture. Later on I got started on tackling the backyard...YIKES!!! It was a jungle. I think we found about four different types of spiders out there. Well, lots of weed eater string later the jungle now looks like a mowed hayfield. Next week I get a lawn mower so I can tame the yard a little more. Once I get the main part under control, I then start on the rose garden in the back and the flower beds through out the yard. Next room to tackle inside the house is the hall then the bathrooms. After that Timothy wants his room painted blue and yellow and Ashleigh wants her room painted powder pink and pastel purple. I guess our room will be the bland room. I will try to remember the camera on our next trip to the house. Now off to the shower to wash the backyard off of me.

Saturday, July 26, 2008


We spent the whole day today working on our new house. We sign the lease papers on Aug 2. This was one of those times that God just dropped a blessing right in our laps. I went to a house to install a gate. The house appeared abandoned, so I contacted the owner about renting it. Well, they were willing to allow Jen and I do all the clean up and painting and such in leu of a deposit. So, while Jen and Ashleigh were working inside on the carpets Timothy and I were outside working on the fence and the yard. Hopefully I can put some pictures of the house up soon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cabin Fever!!

After being sick for the last week, the kids and I started getting cabin fever. So, with Daddy's permission, we decided to get out for a bit. (daddy is out of town singing for the Lord) We had a great time, leisurely walking through our apartment complex and snapping a few pics along the way. Unfortunately, we weren't able to be out long before Timothy's asthma started to kick in again; so please pray for us while we are on the mind and for Darren and the Golden State Quartet while they are traveling all this weekend. Here are a few of the pictures we took:

Ashleigh & Timothy dreaming of going swiming when we are all well

They really are each other's best friends.....honestly....well we can dream can't we!?

Timothy & Mommy

Ashleigh & Mommy

Ashleigh ever the model

My handsome "Buddy Bear"

Ashleigh "Squirely"

Timothy the tree monkey

Our most precious possessions

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please help us all to be well soon and help all those who we love to be healthy and happy. Help our Daddy and the Golden State Quartet to have a safe trip and help them to gloify you through their wonderful music and in all that they do. Thank you for our family, our friends, and for your love. Please help us to show your love through us so that many more can come to know you.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Just Thinking

Well I went to bed early tonight (last night actually) and then woke up with pain. In the last hour I have been up I have been thinking about life, God's blessings and then the things that we forget to thank God for. About two weeks ago we started having revival in our home. This started after watching a christian movie made totally by volunteers with God's hand all through it..."Facing the Giants". What a great movie! If you have not seen it, I strongly advise that you do. It is not one of those sappy christian movies that you sit and role your eyes at the whole time you are watching it. You can actually see real life unfolding before your eyes. The whole premise of the movie is the fact that we are always asking God for His blessings, but yet we are never prepared to receive it. As the old folk proverb goes..."there was a great drought and famine in the land. Two farmers prayed for rain, but only one prepard his fields to receive the blessing." Too many times in life we ask God for "rain", but how often do we actually prepare our fields for it.

It is amaizing how God works. A week after we saw the movie, the quartet was heading up to Oregon to sing at a church that we have been working with for years. My heart was open, soft and pliable to the moving of God's hand. Three souls were touched and redeicated to God that day. It came time for me to introduce an old familiar song that I have the solo's on, "Sinner Saved by Grace", God got ahold of me and for about five or ten minutes I started to preach. During the last two songs, "Sinner Saved By Grace" and "Broken Vessels", the Lord was moving in the house. I have continued to see things like this since then...and I have been seeing Satan's attacks. The more we commit to God the more Satan will attack us. And it seems that when we are being attacked is when we blame God instead of thanking Him. Yes, Thank God for the attacks from Satan. Why? Because it is only when we are in the Lord's will that Satan will attack us. And, sometimes, like with Job, God will allow these attacks to test us and to strengthen us.

So, the next time you pray for "rain"...get in your tractor and plow your fields. The next time Satan strikes your fields with lightening and the entire harvest is lost; thank God that your family is safe, your home is still standing and you can replant next year.

In all things, give God the thanks. Pray for God's blessings and prepare for the bounty. ALWAYS, give GOD the glory and take none for yourself.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

4th of July Weekend

Darren and I had some much needed time alone during 4th of July week, thanks to Nana. Ashleigh and Timothy had a great time visiting, getting spoiled by, and enjoying 4th of July with Nana and Papa. But we were able to spend a couple of hours with Darren’s youngest brother and his family and Mom and Dad during the weekend. Its always nice to get together with family. Ashleigh was too busy playing video games to have her pictures taken. :) We'll have to tie her down next time.

Timothy & Caleb being silly Cousins

Timothy and baby Cousin Joel

Timothy & Nana