Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well, here we are in week 4 of my College Composition 2 Class. One of the things that we are supposed to discuss this week are some of the difficulties we are having in our research for the final project. Well, they are many and diverse. College Comp 2 is a lot more difficult that College Comp 1. In the first class, the instructor gave us several different choices of final project topics to choose from and we could search for resources anywhere. In Comp 2 we have to choose our own topic with no suggestions; I chose to research the effects of music on mental health. You would think that since this is a mental health topic that there would be a lot of information out there, but there is not. Another difficulty that I am having in my research is that we have to use the school's e-library only to find our research sources. It is taking me a very long time to sift through the mess of search results, most of which irrelevant. So, needless to say I am facing quite the challenge this class term. But, "Hakkunamatta"!

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