Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tomrrow is Thanksgiving 2011. What will you be thankful for? Most importantly, what are you thankful for...all year long. Just like Christmas is the one day a year set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ and Easter is the one day a year to celebrate His death burrial and ressurection, Thanksgiving is the one day a year we set aside to look back at all the things we are thankful for. However, as Children of God, we should truely celebrate everything that God has given us all year long. Celebrate the birth of Jesus as it was the beginning of the hope of a personal relationship with God, for which we no longer needed a human mediator. Celebrate the death, burial and resurrection for the hope that it gave us; when Christ returns, if we accept His gift, we have the hope of eternal life with him in paradise. Just as Christians should celebrate Christmas and Easter everyday (and all Americans should celebrate our sodiers past and present everyday), we should also remember to thank God everyday of our lives. Everyday for the last month, I have been posting "Thanksgivings" on my Facebook page. Perhaps I should continue to post "thanksgivings" and blessings from God everyday through out the year? Maybe if Christians worldwide would take time to each day to thank God for His blessings on us, we would begin to see what He really does for us and maybe we would stop whinning about what we don't have. Just my thoughts in this season of Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 21, 2011

I just posted this on the blog page on our website, and thought I would post it here as well;
I know I said I would not go political on this blog, however, I never said I would not wax philosophical or theological. This morning’s weather has gotten me to thinking on the pastyear's weather and "earth" events across the nation. We live in the High Desert of Southern California in Northern Los Angeles County. Typically in the Antelope Valley (the area in which we live) has long hot summers and equally long cold winters. We average about 2 1/2 months when the temps easily hit the mid 90's and even more often in the 100's and sometimes even over 110*F. The winters are on the other extreme. We average around 2 1/2 months when the temps are in the low 30's to mid 20's and very frequently the temps drop into the teens over night. I know that our weather is not as extreme as it is in other parts of the world; however, it is extreme enough. This year (2011) we had colder than normal weather long into our normal summer time. The hot temperatures didn’t start until mid-August and only lasted through mid-September; only half as long as normal. This morning is was foggy of all things. Not "pea-soup" fog like I am used to from central-California, but foggy none the less. Then I started thinking of events across the country; Earthquakes in Washington, D.C. and Oklahoma, tornadoes in California and the list goes on. The Bible tells us that the time of Christ's return will be heralded in part by strange weather patterns. The Bible also tells us that the generation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel as a nation would not perish before Christ's immanent return. The Bible gives us an average of 76 years for a human lifespan. Israel was recognized as a nation by the world community in 1948, 63 years ago. Do a little simple math and you find that only leaves 13 years. Now, I will not assume to predict the return of Christ, I'm not that smart and the Bible is somewhat cryptic at times. What type of generation are we talking about? Is it a lifespan or a familial generation? Are we talking about 76 years or 176 years or more? I tend to believe that this prophecy is referring to a lifespan and we could see the return of Christ with in the next two decades. Brethren, the Bible tells us that we know not the day of Christ's return and that no man can predict it. Christ himself doesn't even know when the Father will turn to Him and say," bring my children home". We need to be vigilant, ever watchful, working toward the day of His return for we know not the hour. We are to work as if the hour is at hand. The world is dying and headed to Hell and the church is sitting idly by. Christians, rise up, take up your swords and get back into the fight. Christ’s return is soon coming. Do you want Him to find you sitting idly by wasting what little precious time we have left?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Since just about everything we do these days as a family is focused more around the family's music ministry, most of the blog posts will be on our music blog page. So, to stay up-to-date with teh Ridings family head on over there or check out our Facebook page;!/pages/Ridings-Family-Music/194544327612?sk=info or you can follow us on Twitter @dridings74 or go to our website now there are more ways to keep up with us.