Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tomrrow is Thanksgiving 2011. What will you be thankful for? Most importantly, what are you thankful for...all year long. Just like Christmas is the one day a year set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ and Easter is the one day a year to celebrate His death burrial and ressurection, Thanksgiving is the one day a year we set aside to look back at all the things we are thankful for. However, as Children of God, we should truely celebrate everything that God has given us all year long. Celebrate the birth of Jesus as it was the beginning of the hope of a personal relationship with God, for which we no longer needed a human mediator. Celebrate the death, burial and resurrection for the hope that it gave us; when Christ returns, if we accept His gift, we have the hope of eternal life with him in paradise. Just as Christians should celebrate Christmas and Easter everyday (and all Americans should celebrate our sodiers past and present everyday), we should also remember to thank God everyday of our lives. Everyday for the last month, I have been posting "Thanksgivings" on my Facebook page. Perhaps I should continue to post "thanksgivings" and blessings from God everyday through out the year? Maybe if Christians worldwide would take time to each day to thank God for His blessings on us, we would begin to see what He really does for us and maybe we would stop whinning about what we don't have. Just my thoughts in this season of Thanksgiving.

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