Saturday, July 19, 2008

Cabin Fever!!

After being sick for the last week, the kids and I started getting cabin fever. So, with Daddy's permission, we decided to get out for a bit. (daddy is out of town singing for the Lord) We had a great time, leisurely walking through our apartment complex and snapping a few pics along the way. Unfortunately, we weren't able to be out long before Timothy's asthma started to kick in again; so please pray for us while we are on the mind and for Darren and the Golden State Quartet while they are traveling all this weekend. Here are a few of the pictures we took:

Ashleigh & Timothy dreaming of going swiming when we are all well

They really are each other's best friends.....honestly....well we can dream can't we!?

Timothy & Mommy

Ashleigh & Mommy

Ashleigh ever the model

My handsome "Buddy Bear"

Ashleigh "Squirely"

Timothy the tree monkey

Our most precious possessions

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please help us all to be well soon and help all those who we love to be healthy and happy. Help our Daddy and the Golden State Quartet to have a safe trip and help them to gloify you through their wonderful music and in all that they do. Thank you for our family, our friends, and for your love. Please help us to show your love through us so that many more can come to know you.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about you all being sick... hopefully you will feel better soon and be ready for your big move!!! We are so excited for all that is happening in your lives and will continue to keep you in prayer.

Dusten and Sarah