Tuesday, April 28, 2009

...and marching

Here we are in April now. It is amazing how fast this year is moving by. A lot has happened this year already. Timothy is now 10 years old. The kids and I are making bigs leaps is music. The kids are getting better and better everyday. We have had the privalage to share the stage with many regioanal and full time groups and Ashleigh and Timothy stood up with them as if they have been doing this all along. Our "dream" is to one day share the stage with the Hoppers. They are the group that we look up to as our mentor or our "idol". Ashlegh is modeling herself after Kim Hopper; who also happens to be my favorite female singer.

The economy has realy hit our family hard. Although God has kept me working, I have not done any welding for the last two months. But, praise the Lord He is providing.

Jennifer is starting a buisness program during the summer and the school. She is currently writing the curriculem and my head is spinning. I am glad it is her and not me...of course that is what her degree is in.

I will be starting classes this summer. I figure since I have been working as a welder for the last two years I should get certified. Hopefully after that it will be easier to find work.

Well...as you can see we have been busy lately...

Until the next post...God Bless.

In HIS Service,

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