Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where Has the Time Gone?!?

To all those who have waited for our family to finally make a post already.... we are finally able to do so. Things have been so crazy busy for the Ridings Family over the last few months. We have had to start the school year and move into our house all at the same time; while trying to hang on to our patience and sanity along the way. The school year is over now and it has flown by so fast that I can hardly believe it is over. I enjoyed teaching 2nd Grade for the first time this past school year and plan to teach 2nd Grade again in the fall. The kids have grown a ton and are doing well. Darren and I have been enjoying the house and all the space that we now have. The kids especially like the pool we just bought and we even had time to throw in a little family project this Spings. We decided, now that we have the space, to plant a little Ridings garden of our own. We planted corn, watermelon, cantelope, green beans, tomatoes (4 different kinds), squash, and pumpkins...oh yes, and Timothy's had-to-have sunflowers. He's hoping to harvest the seeds and use some for next year along with eating the rest...yummm!! :) Now, we make it our nightly routine to go for an evening walk in the back yard to check on the crops we have planted and see how much they have grown. Well...that's all the update for now. We'll write some more soon and maybe even post a few pictures along the way this summer. :)


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