Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, I wanted to make this post with birthday pictures in it, but for some reason; our computer is not cooperating. But we will keep trying and will post birthday pictures as soon as we can.

We didn't want too much time to go by though without posting a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEIGH!!! Ashleigh is now the big 1-2 and making her parents feel oh so OLD, and she says that she is oh so enjoying doing just that. :) In all seriousness, we wanted to tell Ashleigh how very proud we are that God made us her parents. We are proud of the young person she has become and all of the wonderful milestones you have succeeded in. We know that the Lord has special plans for your life and we can't wait to share in them with you! Know that we love you and will always be here to help guide you; just be sure that God is the driver and you are the passenger in all things.

Love Always,
Daddy, Mommy, & Timothy

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