Thursday, August 7, 2008

House/Family Updates

Business is a little slow right now, so I got the day of today (Thursday August 7, 2008). We went over to the house around mid-morning. Jen got started on doing the finish painting in the hall and livingroom while I unloaded the truck. I went back and got the kids and picked up another load to take to the house. The dining room is done, the livingroom is almost moved in and Ashleigh's room is fully set up minus the custom paint that she wants. I am getting the yard under controll and it is starting to look really good now. Within the next couple of weeks we will be completely in the house.

Another update; we finially got a video of me and the kids practicing. Check it out on my music blog;

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, what a blessing. Where is your house? Your kids are sure growing up and so cute. I miss seeing them. Love, Donna