Sunday, August 17, 2008


Well, things are still moving slow with our move into the house. We are still currently waiting for an electrician to fix the problems in the house and for the air conditioner guy to come and fix that too. Our patience and strength are being tried right about now. But someone is suppose to be at the house to fix the problems on Monday, so please pray that everything gets sorted out and fixed so that we can finish moving in. Yesterday, we moved everything over to the house minus the things we must have to live. Our apartment is starting to look very empty and the house is looking more like our home. We are praying that all will be fixed and ready for us to completely move in by next weekend so that we will all have the chance to get settled before school starts. But all-in-all, we are thankful that God has given us this gift and will continue to be thankful for the challenges that come our way and will use those challenges as learning tools.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear things are going so slowly and not on often does it ever???

We are now home and trying to get things back to order. Can't wait to see pictures of it with all of your stuff settled.

Hugs and Love,
Dusten and Sarah